Sunday, 17 July 2011

A dreary day and a beautiful model

Camilla and I had pencilled in the evening of July the 12th 2011 for our first shoot together with a back up evening should the weather let us down. That morning the forecast said a grey start but improving by the afternoon. Camilla checked with me first thing that we were still on, trusting the forecast we confirmed.

Early afternoon and it did indeed start to brighten up, but it was short lived. I hoped it was only a temporary lapse, it wasn't. Should I contact Camilla and postpone ? The alternative date might be worse, Camilla might think I just didn't want to work with her, I left the plans in place.

When I got to the meeting point it was darker than ever and with a cool wind ! Camilla arrived seconds after me, with a big smile and a bubbly personality. After a quick introduction we set off to the first location. All wa squiet and we were shooting within seconds while we had the site to ourselves.
Off to a great start

Camilla told me as we worked that she has only been modelling a short time, and only art nude for a short part of that time, hard to believe as she is so skilled and comfortable with her modelling

Don't be fooled by the blue sky, it lasted abot 30 seconds !

This is how the sky looked the rest of the time

I said I hoped Camilla was warm enough, she said that the adrenalin warms you up!

It's a very popular spot with locals, but with features like this to work with it's worth the risk of discovery                

You can see how worn the paths are from frequent visitors

Anyone coming ?

Around this time a lady jogger suddenly appeared, there wasn't time to cover or hide Camilla
It was darker still under the trees but we gave it a go
From the place of the above image we worked our way back up onto the top of the hill coming out at a different point hoping for some more shots at this wonderful location. But there was by now an old chap looking for signs of Bilberries and some youths near the rocks. Time to move on.

We went to a nearby wood. As we worked through the wood we could see some last minute sunshine on the edge of the wood, by the time we got there it had gone. With little time left we decided to try a few final shots, I had little hope of getting anything in the dark wood with the sun dipped below the horizon as well as cloud!

So it was quite pleasing to get some shots like this !

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